I had to accept that what I had previously called my soul was not at all my soul, but a dead system that I had contrived.
— Carl Jung, The Red Book Page 232.

MY approach & Philosophy

I believe in the innate power each of us possesses to heal. Beginning with a gentle exploration of your story, your sense awareness and your feeling world, I seek to find a mutually agreed upon place to begin deeper work together.

I hold close to

  • embodiment (breath/gesture/sensation);

  • creativity (playfulness/curiosity/possibility);

  • and compassion (non-judgment/empathy/connection):

all these are pathways to ground and support your healing process. I have found that depth of relationship itself is a healer, so I strive for a REAL, courageous relationship with my clients- capable of sustaining vulnerability, fierceness, and deep transformations.

My passion


I'm drawn to work especially with expressive potential and embodied experience in the therapy process. I have training and experience in both vocal work and somatic approaches in therapy, which simply means...

the way your body and your voice can be resources and maps for your journey to wholeness.


My Belief

I believe the deepest healing is only possible when we rediscover a connection to the Life of Earth, and explore our embeddedness in our communities and world, both human and more-than-human.

Thus in our work I will hold with sacredness our interbeing with Earth, and I will seek to engage the wisdom of voice and body in recovering health.

Therefore the spirit of the depths forced me to speak to my soul, to call upon her as a living and self-existing being.
— Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 232